Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Need to Know

As a pastor I recognize that the Christmas Season is first of all a fun time in the church. People running here and there trying to get decorations up; inside and outside of the church. It can be very easy to miss the mark when t comes to the reason for the season. 
Tomorrow we begin the Advent Season and it is very important that in my attitude and my preaching I don't miss the mark. Isaiah 2:2 says, "In days
to come the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all nations shall stream to it." It is my goal and full intention to preach and live out this season so that all peoples will recognize Jesus as Lord of all. I ask that while reading this blog join me in praying this prayer. Father, during this season that we recognize as the birth of Jesus, we who believe ask that Your Spirit be poured out over the world that millions would come to know You, that they may have a true spirit of Christmas. Amen! 
 Verse 3 tells us that many will come to the mountain of the Lord for instruction. We must come to the Lord and kneel before Him giving Him our attention so that he can teach us his ways. The world doesn't want to bow before the Lord and give Him their attention. They feel they are doing just fine by being their own master. "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money" (Matthew 6:24). 
So to those who say they know Jesus Matthew 6:24 should help you to see that you have two masters because you cannot seem to give to God that which He has called to to give. Those things would be money, time, talents, and gifts. I am also guilty of these things and so I write this blog knowing that I must recognize my faults if I am to lead God's people towards the vision which I have received. 
Many are praying for me and I ask you to continue to pray because the spirit is willing but the mind and body are weak. The sins of this world blur the vision and so I pray daily for a clean spirit that can find room at the feet of the Father. It is not enough that we know we can and will be forgiven because without each other to encourage we will all begin to serve the wrong master.
Verse 4 tells us that the mountain will judge, "He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (Isaiah 2:4). Only when we turn to the mountain of the Lord and give Him all of ourselves will peace on earth and good will be established.
I pray for my congregation, for my town, for my nation, and for the world that peace will reign and joy be abundant for all. May we all see the face of Jesus in the eyes of our neighbor. May we all be like brothers and sisters; loving and caring for each other. Amen!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Post Election Depression

I think I am in denial of my post election depression. Amazed once again that our country seems to elect presidents with a broad stroke. I believe that it is a direct result of unrest in our society. Even though we may not recognize it, our Father in heaven is still calling us to Himself, and our resistance shows up in the voting habits and our disassociation from some political figures. I have said in the past that we believe the worst about people when it benefits our cause and we also believe the best about people, or dismiss bad aspects, when it benefits our cause.

 This mess is not about a political figure it is about us and until we fix us we will never find comfort. We are still trying to be our own masters, going through life complaining about others and in many ways demanding that the world change to fit our needs; yet it was Christ who came to serve, showing us an example of servant hood. "Listen, I will tell you a mystery!" "We will not all die, but we will be changed." (1Corinthians 15:51,53) This is what we should expect in our lives if we are to become the Christian that we claim to be. 
A good friend of mine was posting on facebook "I love that we are a Republic" "I love that we are a Christian nation" "I love that we are a democracy" and I acknowledge that I paraphrase what he had actually said to make my point or I guess you could say his point. My reply to his post was, "Are you being sarcastic?" His reply was "No" and so I explain why I am shocked by his post and somewhat dismayed. 
I challenge you as I challenge many, to define what it means to be a Christian. If you define it correctly I do not believe that you can claim that our nation, as a whole, could be considered Christian. Jesus told us that we could judge a tree by the fruit that it bears. If that is the case, and because I believe the scriptures, I believe in this statement declares to us, or it should, that we are failing as a so called Christian nation. 
When you look at corruption at every level of government; when you consider that the higher end of society continues to expand the division between classes, as far as money or wealth is concerned.
Yes you will say to the world that it is not a sin to be rich, that many characters in the bible were wealthy. I give you that. What I see though is disparity between society as far as helping and serving each other. In the days of Jesus walking the Earth the disciples and the people of society felt it was appalling for anyone but a slave to wash your feet when entering a house. Yet Jesus washed the feet of his disciples in an attempt to show them a better way. I ask you "If we are a Christian nation, why aren't we better at washing the feet of others? Why are there homeless, hungry, and naked people in our world. 
Yes our country is working at helping the world and yes we have our hands in so many other countries trying to be the hand of care, but we are not doing enough in my opinion because what I hear from many of the conservatives in society is, "don't ask me to help" or "It's not my halt" or "I am not paying" yes the bible calls us to work but it mostly calls us to be the hand of God into the world. It is not about them it is about us, you and me.